Tuesday 3 January 2012

I've changed

You keep saying that I've changed 

so what???

you say that the OLD me was better

*che* as if

The old me huh??

the shy girl who was very vulnerable too pretty much everything

you want me too turn back into the old me huh??

so wat??? so you can control me easily???

I'm not a doll who just sits there quietly like before 

I've changed and I grew up as well

whats wrong with that???

I became a stronger person

Which is much better than the old me

I changed into someone independent and strong

and I wont return back into the old me

the girl that cried by the staircase every time someone bullied her

the girl that was betrayed so many times by people she trusted

the vulnerable girl who couldn't do anything while people broke her down

the girl everyone put expectations on, although she never wanted it

the girl who was weak, vulnerable and naive

the girl who cried herself to bed at night

I'm tired of being like that

so i changed

I stopped relying on others

its better for you because you don't have too protect me anymore

but you insist that I've misbehaved and lock me up 

I don't like being constrained

i hate it

u arent protection

ur like jail, wait u are jail

I changed because I wanted too 

i was tired of being weak 

people broke me down every chance they had

I was tired of tears

I cried so many times

but nothing changed

tears just make u look weaker, therefore more prone to attacks

I always asked back then when i saw myself

"Why me?"

Then i decided too change

I stopped crying... tears are worthless

I guess that's how I became so cold

I started from scratch

but I had a pair of crutches too help me

*my non-biological older sisters*

I slowly realized that if i showed weakness that the more that spot will be attacked

I stopped bringing myself down

and worked on my confidence

so here I am today

A narcissistic and bitchy blogger

ok I just typed this out of my emo-ing sessions
but i think this will be helpful for people getting bullied

Thanks for Reading my Rants
until my next blog
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