Wednesday 4 January 2012

I'm an Upper Sec now???

I can't believe i'm a Sec 3 student now school started like a few days ago

Officially in 3e2 until i graduate

I'm at least a year older than most of my friends in school, because school in the Philippines starts in June while in Singapore starts in January

I didn't think its a big change aside from the schedule

but I do know its a BIG CHANGE for my male classmates or some of my male friends

Even though i just transferred last year in Sec 2

If i look back at last year some things did change I just didn't notice it that much

#MilkTea finally put down her fringe,she used to pin it up, she looks A LOT CUTER compared to when it was pinned up 

I was REALLY EXPECTING the guys too look weird in pants, I REALLY DID!!!

Most of them looked normal *so much for my expectations -_-*  

I few looked a bit weird but i'll get used too it after a week or two

The guys are all so tall now, I feel like I'm buried by their heights *note to self: don't stand too close too guy friends*

As in they had a MEGA GROWTH SPURT!!!

So unfair I want too grow taller too, up to 165 cm please...

Two of my friends from Normal Acad were promoted up to the Express stream and are in the same class as me *throws confetti*

A lot of people grew their hair out including me but my hairstyle is pretty much the same

 OLD Pics from last year
(these are the pics i took with my phone I've never uploaded them before, I was too lazy back then)
In school

 #Meow birthday at Seoul Garden
we all saved up for this
 My hair is so short here

 #1DirectionFan , #MilkTea and  #Corn

I'm too busy with #meow looking at the phone

 I am a wink failure 
(T . T)

We were a bunch of immature Sec 2 students running after each other in Seoul Garden 

I don't really like studying

What do you expect from a teenager like me

Unfortunately for me some the girls i normally hang with are in my class

Its unfortunate because I'm now part of the Notice Board Committee.... seriously those guys.....grrrr....

this what I get from doodling and sleeping in class to much

but I'm planning too fill up the notice board stars no matter what our leader says 

The leader of the Notice Board Committee is one of my friends anyways....*evil grin*

The first two days of school we had NO LESSONS!!!

But tomorrow we have official classes and lessons.....*sigh*

My only wish this year.....that the teachers stop complaining to my parents that I sleep too much in class

i already know I sleep in class, okay

I don't know what will happen this year, but i seriously wish for very loose and slack teachers

so thats the end of my post for today

yeah, I suck at endings okay i know already

i never though i would write a blog about school though

I guess theres a first for everything

Until my next post/rant session
Bye for now People
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