Thursday 19 January 2012

JYP 2012 Auditions (my experience)

Hey guys,

sorry I haven't updated for like a few days, I got attacked by flu. Now I'm partially back to health still a bit sick but at least I can go back to school.... school....... oh how I wish I was sick again

Last weekend on the 14th and15th I found out that JYP, an entertainment company was holding an audition. I didn't know it until the last day on the 15th, I found out while I was online through twitter. 

My dream is to become a singer one day and on normal circumstances I'm pretty much a lazy assed person. But when it comes to things I love and I'm passionate about, I'm very driven. I also want everything to be perfect, I guess you could say I turn into a perfectionist/critique whenever music is involved.

So when I found out today was the last day of the auditions. I pretty much knew it was to late, I didn't have any practice aside from that I was already starting to have flu. I already had sore throat and a cough that day, I wasn't in the best condition to sing. But I still went because I knew that opportunities like these were hard to come buy. I want to grab every opportunity I can that will lead me to my dream even for the ones I don't expect.

Yeah, you could say I just went on impulse...

I left my house at round 2pm, when the sun was burning. The audition officially closes at 5pm, I only found out that afternoon. So I pretty much rushed there, it was all the way in Queens Town  I've never been there before and I live all the way in Yishun. Even so I wasn't letting a chance pass. By some miracle I managed to arrive in the venue without getting lost.

Managed to take photos of the venue but I didn't take much cuz I was too busy battling my nerves and thinking of what song to sing. It's not the first time I've sang in front of people but I was nervous because this is nothing like a school contest or performance. 

I've sang in front of the entire school by myself before and it was also a contest but unlike that time I was actually prepared and not sick. That time I only competed against around 20 groups consisting of solo and group performers all in secondary, this time I was against 2000+ people most of which are more experienced on stage and singing. 

You can imagine my nerves already.

When I was still waiting for my turn my mind was like ''GGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!"

My performance in general was a fail, well in my eyes it was. My teacher once told me that in the eyes of an artist no matter what others say on how well you did, in an artists eyes it isn't the same because they have a different perspective (wow I sound so deep).

I keep looking back and regretting how bad I screwed up. I know I can do better than that. I pretty much went back home surrounded by a sulking and dark aura. I know I won't get accepted this time round.


there's always next year and there are other auditions for me to try. So I won't give up...(^^)

Okay enough for now
Just wait until my next post, if not
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