Thursday 29 December 2011

Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

Hello my beloved kwek-kwek,

*ok, why am i using street food names?*

Since i'm leaving for Kuala Lumpur tomorrow I decided to blog today, since I'll be back in Singapore just before school starts.

That means no blogging till after I've settled properly in Sec 3 (which involves my new teachers getting used to my sleeping habits)

Plus i still have my shoes blog binned up in there to finish

I have sensitive skin that I inherited from my parents

I easily have outbreaks at the slightest temperature change, like my last visit to my hometown in the Philippines I had quite a nasty outbreak.

before that I got sunburned in Malaysia and I didn't even go swimming.

Just sharing my skin-care tips for people with the same skin type

For people with sensitive skin like me limit the use of chemical products especially on your face

but there are chemical products that you do have to use like lotion and moisturizers

people with dry and sensitive skin need too use these

even people with oily skin

Just choose ones which are good for sensitive skin, like baby lotion

The same with moisturizers as well

Facial wash is also good too use

Just find mild ones that suit your skin, if your skin is ultra sensitive

There is one chemical product I use that is quite harsh on the skin 

It has 3 levels mild (for sensitive skin), moderate (normal skin) and advanced (people with thick skin like a leather)

I use this when my skin is a bit rough... i have it among my stuff right now... 

but i RARELY use it just when i REALLY need too

Its good when it comes too removing after scars from outbreaks

Any chemical product, like the one above, which is harsh on the skin must be used in MODERATION

unless you want too end up like this lah

 Or this
This is what happens if you overdose your face with to much chemical products

But these days I haven't been using most of these things

I use things that you can just find in the kitchen

1. Sugar 

Depending on the sizes of the crystals 

White Sugar (smaller crystals) for sensitive skin

Brown Sugar (bigger crystals) applicable to most people

When I wash my face with either soap or facial wash

I rub it around my face, especially around the nose

Its good with removing block-heads

So I mostly use this when I have block heads

2. Oatmeal
I learned about oatmeal through bubzbeauty

she's pretty much my favorite make-up and beauty guru along with others like Michelle Phan and NekoNyapii

I've been using it for some time now and its very effective

3. Lime Juice and Evaporated Milk

Just squeeze out the lime juice and mix it with the milk

The lime juice kills bacteria and cleanses the skin

while the milk whitens and moisturizes it 

I use this when I take bath along with the soap

Its best if you keep this refrigerated in a container, because it spoils

I usually keep this in a jar in the chiller


Those are all the skin-care tips I'll share with u guys for know
I still have A LOT too learn when it comes too skincare 
These skincare tips are what I've learned for the 15 (almost 16) years of my life

Until my next rant 
bye kwek-kweks,
Follow me on Twitter

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