Saturday 14 January 2012

Trip to Universal Studios Singapore

As promised I'll post a continuation of what I did during the last New Year

I took around 200 pics and  felt lazy so i decided to divide it into two parts.

I was supposed to post it yesterday but the internet connection was against me.

I suddenly felt the need to update cuz of Yutaki who is back in the blogsphere, he's one of my favourite male bloggers and so I'm happy to see him back in the game (I don't think I'll ever be as popular as him though). I'll work even harder, even though A-Maths is killing me

so enough ranting and here are the pics

 My sister saw this and said I do this kind of poses alot
Officially nicknamed Princess Fiona

 This was my ticket, I find it weird that tickets are printed nowadays even plane tickets
What happened to the pretty tickets with designs they give you

 My hubby's house and me
Shrek is officially my hubby
no make-up again, since i don't like putting make-up on if the weather is hot


 This made me think:

 Cam-whoring when my mom's not looking

 She won't look at me


 Entrance of the New Transformers ride

I made me quite dizzy

  Now I now why they had this sign 

They had this on display on the waiting line you can press the buttons but nothing actually happens

 The twins testing if the TV is touch screen

The all-spark!!!

turn out they have a parade like this once a day
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that when we went, they were closing at 9 pm
Frankenstein's wife is cougar scary 

This mascot was nice enough to pose for me (^^)

This is my favourite pic for the entire parade

of the Parade

This looked magical, well to  me anyways

That concludes this blog post
My dad bought the wrong battery when we went here, i was a relieved because he takes the most UNGLAM photos of me ever
Photos you can't even recognize me in

Until my next post
If you find me interesting

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