Saturday 24 December 2011

Sentosa on a Rainy Day

One of my friends #HinamoriAmu invited me to her Birthday celebration in Sentosa

*by their request I wont use their real names* (a warning to them though)

I was back in my hometown in the Philippines when i received the invite

So as soon as I arrived in Manila a few days before my flight I bought her a gift

Since she's addicted to Death Note and L

I went to comic alley to look for one, luckily I found one
cute right???

plus i found this necklace that fits my style

okay now on the day we went to Sentosa

Normally if anyone among my friends has a birthday we either go out too eat somewhere out of our normal budget (we save money to eat somewhere expensive) or we go out swimming or something like that

and... oh yeah... we bash them either with cake or water

I couldn't go swimming that day and since it was Sentosa i didn't anticipate bad weather

So I decided that i would just doll-up for that day

We agreed on 10 am

most of us arrived on time... but due too one certain someone *cough* #HeWhoShouldBeKneed *cough* .... who arrived an hour late

#HeWhoShouldBeKneed srsly this guy making us all wait for an hour... i thought that #HalfEurasian would be the only guy with like 7 girls

Snow White would be reversed... If i think abt it #HalfEurasian has fair skin and black hair... just need to give him red lipstick...

to bad i dont have any :(

We arrived at Sentosa at 12 pm... but before we left we bought a cake (originally meant for bashing)

stolen while going up the escalator

#HalfEurasian and #HeWhoShouldBeKneed + some random dude on the LRT

took a pic of our birthday girl...(this dude kept staring at me "is my make-up too thick for you then !!!!???")

good thing she isnt camera shy like #CRF

pretty views from the LRT

#CRF and #Hangilu

We WALKED all the way to the END of the beach...

But we found out that the end of the beach was meant for the Hotel guests... So some guy asked us too leave

Oh yeah... while we were leaving we saw this carrot on the beach

Where did that come from???

 #HinamoriAmu running... so cute siah..

We saw the prefects from our scul and we were like... (?_?)... (T_T)

I know this sounds wrong but the prefects their were those whom i know aren't liked 

like they had an outing for the prefects with not alot of friends... I dont like some prefects as well except for those who are my friends of course...

I just thought that they decided too those certain prefects who arent liked to have a "NORMAL OUTING" with friends...who are also prefects...

Made a random story between #HinamoriAmu and #Marshmallow
 You can see already
 #HinamoriAmu saw a guy that looked like L on the beach (only half-naked)
#Marshmallow felt betrayed and said "Aigooo~"

Okay enough of my stupidity

As we were leaving it started too rain (that was just the start)

and it eventually caused my mascara too smudge *we really should have checked the weather or just don't go too the beach in December*

i wonder if this was fun... especially since it was POURING

I had zero intention of getting wet or soaked

Good thing I had a pair of shades in my bag *which got drenched*

i was stuck with shades *in the middle of the rain* until i could find a bathroom

i dont look nice with my hair down... (T T)

we went too eat at KFC after getting poured on and managed too buy some raincoats and conchos
Stolen shot of #HinamoriAmu #CRF... they're gonna kill me for this *gulp*

these guys decided to ride in the back (exposed to the rain)

We managed too find a bathroom and I finally saw the damage the smudged make-up did

After i washed it of

The rain fogged up my lenses....(-_-)... so yeah..

Managed too arrive in Yishun but three people had to leave #HeWhoShouldBeKneed #Marshmallow and #CRF

The cake did not survive... It looked pretty before... now... *too tired too bash already*

After eating we went just went home...EXHAUSTED!!! AND SOAKED!!!

for walking like 6-7 hours...

All while trying too avoid air-conditioning until we got home...
After this (maybe cuz of the rain) I got sick for at least a day or two..

Thanks for Reading my Rants
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