Thursday 29 December 2011

Skin Care for Sensitive Skin

Hello my beloved kwek-kwek,

*ok, why am i using street food names?*

Since i'm leaving for Kuala Lumpur tomorrow I decided to blog today, since I'll be back in Singapore just before school starts.

That means no blogging till after I've settled properly in Sec 3 (which involves my new teachers getting used to my sleeping habits)

Plus i still have my shoes blog binned up in there to finish

I have sensitive skin that I inherited from my parents

I easily have outbreaks at the slightest temperature change, like my last visit to my hometown in the Philippines I had quite a nasty outbreak.

before that I got sunburned in Malaysia and I didn't even go swimming.

Just sharing my skin-care tips for people with the same skin type

For people with sensitive skin like me limit the use of chemical products especially on your face

but there are chemical products that you do have to use like lotion and moisturizers

people with dry and sensitive skin need too use these

even people with oily skin

Just choose ones which are good for sensitive skin, like baby lotion

The same with moisturizers as well

Facial wash is also good too use

Just find mild ones that suit your skin, if your skin is ultra sensitive

There is one chemical product I use that is quite harsh on the skin 

It has 3 levels mild (for sensitive skin), moderate (normal skin) and advanced (people with thick skin like a leather)

I use this when my skin is a bit rough... i have it among my stuff right now... 

but i RARELY use it just when i REALLY need too

Its good when it comes too removing after scars from outbreaks

Any chemical product, like the one above, which is harsh on the skin must be used in MODERATION

unless you want too end up like this lah

 Or this
This is what happens if you overdose your face with to much chemical products

But these days I haven't been using most of these things

I use things that you can just find in the kitchen

1. Sugar 

Depending on the sizes of the crystals 

White Sugar (smaller crystals) for sensitive skin

Brown Sugar (bigger crystals) applicable to most people

When I wash my face with either soap or facial wash

I rub it around my face, especially around the nose

Its good with removing block-heads

So I mostly use this when I have block heads

2. Oatmeal
I learned about oatmeal through bubzbeauty

she's pretty much my favorite make-up and beauty guru along with others like Michelle Phan and NekoNyapii

I've been using it for some time now and its very effective

3. Lime Juice and Evaporated Milk

Just squeeze out the lime juice and mix it with the milk

The lime juice kills bacteria and cleanses the skin

while the milk whitens and moisturizes it 

I use this when I take bath along with the soap

Its best if you keep this refrigerated in a container, because it spoils

I usually keep this in a jar in the chiller


Those are all the skin-care tips I'll share with u guys for know
I still have A LOT too learn when it comes too skincare 
These skincare tips are what I've learned for the 15 (almost 16) years of my life

Until my next rant 
bye kwek-kweks,
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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Bugis X-mas Shopping

Hey people,

I recently went to Bugis to shop gifts for my family and things for myself

just wanted to share what I bought

Since I cant post the gift pictures before Christmas, since it'll ruin the surprise, I decided to only post it after

 For my sister
(She's been wanting a new wallet)
 For my dad 
(I don't want to take it out of the plastic since I suck at folding)
 For my brother
(He lost his hat in the airplane on the way too Singapore)
For my mom
(I just think she needs a new bag, ignore the mess behind)

Enough of what I bought for my family, these are the things I bought for myself 

I also bought new ear studs but I didn't take pics of it

 This cost me only $13!!!
It's totally my style... so yeah...
 I love DOMO-KUN!!!
i spent most of my $$$ on this bag alone
I just couldn't help it
(even my camera strap is Domo)

 Plain Graphic Tees are a must have in closets
You can wear them casually or wear accessories with them 
 *I srsly need to stop buying stripes*
i like whats written on it anyways

I was looking for new headphones 
*I managed to buy a cute one as well*
when I spotted this
A Miyake standee

Luckily the saleslady let me take pictures (I'm scared of salesladies, LITERALLY)

 Me with the Yutaki standee
 UWA!!! Theres a handsome guy staring at me
This picture speaks for itself


People were staring at me when I took these photos

I pretty much looked like an idiot

Its okay though wasn't the first time I started cam-whoring in the middle of a mall or street... yeah *awkwardly*

Until my next post
bye *waves hand*
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Saturday 24 December 2011

Sentosa on a Rainy Day

One of my friends #HinamoriAmu invited me to her Birthday celebration in Sentosa

*by their request I wont use their real names* (a warning to them though)

I was back in my hometown in the Philippines when i received the invite

So as soon as I arrived in Manila a few days before my flight I bought her a gift

Since she's addicted to Death Note and L

I went to comic alley to look for one, luckily I found one
cute right???

plus i found this necklace that fits my style

okay now on the day we went to Sentosa

Normally if anyone among my friends has a birthday we either go out too eat somewhere out of our normal budget (we save money to eat somewhere expensive) or we go out swimming or something like that

and... oh yeah... we bash them either with cake or water

I couldn't go swimming that day and since it was Sentosa i didn't anticipate bad weather

So I decided that i would just doll-up for that day

We agreed on 10 am

most of us arrived on time... but due too one certain someone *cough* #HeWhoShouldBeKneed *cough* .... who arrived an hour late

#HeWhoShouldBeKneed srsly this guy making us all wait for an hour... i thought that #HalfEurasian would be the only guy with like 7 girls

Snow White would be reversed... If i think abt it #HalfEurasian has fair skin and black hair... just need to give him red lipstick...

to bad i dont have any :(

We arrived at Sentosa at 12 pm... but before we left we bought a cake (originally meant for bashing)

stolen while going up the escalator

#HalfEurasian and #HeWhoShouldBeKneed + some random dude on the LRT

took a pic of our birthday girl...(this dude kept staring at me "is my make-up too thick for you then !!!!???")

good thing she isnt camera shy like #CRF

pretty views from the LRT

#CRF and #Hangilu

We WALKED all the way to the END of the beach...

But we found out that the end of the beach was meant for the Hotel guests... So some guy asked us too leave

Oh yeah... while we were leaving we saw this carrot on the beach

Where did that come from???

 #HinamoriAmu running... so cute siah..

We saw the prefects from our scul and we were like... (?_?)... (T_T)

I know this sounds wrong but the prefects their were those whom i know aren't liked 

like they had an outing for the prefects with not alot of friends... I dont like some prefects as well except for those who are my friends of course...

I just thought that they decided too those certain prefects who arent liked to have a "NORMAL OUTING" with friends...who are also prefects...

Made a random story between #HinamoriAmu and #Marshmallow
 You can see already
 #HinamoriAmu saw a guy that looked like L on the beach (only half-naked)
#Marshmallow felt betrayed and said "Aigooo~"

Okay enough of my stupidity

As we were leaving it started too rain (that was just the start)

and it eventually caused my mascara too smudge *we really should have checked the weather or just don't go too the beach in December*

i wonder if this was fun... especially since it was POURING

I had zero intention of getting wet or soaked

Good thing I had a pair of shades in my bag *which got drenched*

i was stuck with shades *in the middle of the rain* until i could find a bathroom

i dont look nice with my hair down... (T T)

we went too eat at KFC after getting poured on and managed too buy some raincoats and conchos
Stolen shot of #HinamoriAmu #CRF... they're gonna kill me for this *gulp*

these guys decided to ride in the back (exposed to the rain)

We managed too find a bathroom and I finally saw the damage the smudged make-up did

After i washed it of

The rain fogged up my lenses....(-_-)... so yeah..

Managed too arrive in Yishun but three people had to leave #HeWhoShouldBeKneed #Marshmallow and #CRF

The cake did not survive... It looked pretty before... now... *too tired too bash already*

After eating we went just went home...EXHAUSTED!!! AND SOAKED!!!

for walking like 6-7 hours...

All while trying too avoid air-conditioning until we got home...
After this (maybe cuz of the rain) I got sick for at least a day or two..

Thanks for Reading my Rants
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Wednesday 21 December 2011

Make-Up + tips (end 2011)

I'm just going too rant about make-up

i LOVE make-up

i'm just going to show my current make-up kit

This is my palette...  i just bought so i havent used it as much

Its "Ever Bilena"... just for randomness

this eye-shadow palette has given me the least problems compared to the ones before

 I've had my share of eye-shadow problems

You should never buy either two types of eye shadow

1. the type thats too stiff...the type that doesn't stick on the applicator it doesn't apply evenly

2. those that are too loose... they're hard too maintain cuz the powder may fall off anytime...and it'll dirty your other make-up (if you keep them in a bag)

my old palette was MESSY...This was it...

"Careline" has good eye-shadow colors and applies evenly and properly... but this palette is the reason why i decided to put my make-up in a box...

PLUS NEVER as in NEVER buy their lip products...I've tried them... They damaged my lips instead of moisturizing or helping them...*trauma*

Currently I use "Silk Girl" for face powder

Since I'm still a teenager my skin is still okay
So i dont buy or use any special type of foundation
Any type of face powder will do for me

my concealer "SilkGirl"

I just bought this concealer recently

I suffer from dark circles caused by insomnia

I've suffered from it since I was I kid

I concealer is a must have basic make-up item s

 My eyeliners

The one on the left is from "Avon"... its like crayon... good for beginners cuz sometimes ur eyes turn red if ur not used to eyeliner... *plus i have relative that works for Avon wen i see something i need thats on sale i buy... neat right*

The one on the right is "Nichiko"... one side is pencil liner another is a smudger... i really like it... i often use this wen i go outside XD...

 My liquid eye-liner

I dont recommend using liquid eye-liner too often cuz its bad for the skin

using pencil liner is better

and if ur like me with very obvious double eye-lids... some times the liquid smudges on ur upper lid when u blink... when it isn't dry yet

buying liquid eye-liner that dries fast is a good idea

My mascara

Its from Ever Bilena (again) its dual... plus this is my first mascara

The white side is conditioner it makes your eyelash thicker put it on every night if u want naturally thicker eye-lashes (i fall asleep before i can do that anyways)

The black side is the actual mascara

 Bonus shot of my baby cousin holding the mascara
she has thick (naturally) eyelashes
so she modeled for me...LOL?

My lip balms

I use Nivea fruity shine and Maybelline Baby lips

i dont use lipstick... i find it too much

"Nivea" and "Maybelline" are the only two lip products I trust (still traumatized from Careline)

-face powder
-eye liner (preferable pencil)
-lipbalm (tinted or not) / lipstick
-concealer (u can still do without this one if you're confident in your skin)

you only need these basic item to look great

Ok,,,,That concludes my Make-up Blog

Bonus shots of me and my baby cousin
 I took ALOT of effort too take proper photos of us together
Since kids move alot
These were the best i could get

Until my next ranting...<3

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Update: i decided to alter this a bit... and make at least one (my) make-up kit blog every 6 months or on a yearly basis