Friday 10 February 2012

Teenage Pregnancy

I recently had a weird dream which has been bugging me the past few days. Yeah, I had a weird dream about teenage pregnancy. I'm not a big fan of those shows about teen moms since I like shows such as Criminal Minds, Bones, NCIS those kind of shows. Aside from that I'm a complete noob when it comes to things like relationships (yes I'm forever alone)...

The stupid dream pretty much inspired me to blog. I really don't want to talk about that dream too detailed since I'm to bothered by it to try to recall it then type it out. I don't have dreams often but when I do they're REALLY WEIRD.

In a summary of what happened in my dream I partied, got drunk, made-out with someone (who I don't know),  got knocked up...... I find those last two parts disturbing because I can't imagine myself in those position. Good thing my mom woke me up for school before the dream continued. 

Teenage pregnancy is a problem. Seriously teenagers we have sex-ed class for a reason. Use a condom you can buy it at 7-eleven who conveniently puts them near the counter unless you get horny. *You really shouldn't be hearing this from a 16 year old*

Although I woke up before I finished the dream (nightmare actually). I got a taste of how its like to have a pregnancy scare and finding out you're pregnant even though it was only in my head. Getting pregnant while your young at the age were you're still discovering and reaching your dreams is something I find scary. I can't imagine myself giving up on my dream just to take care of a child. 

There's also the problem with the guy, since he can easily walk away and not bear any responsibility. Unlike a girl whose only options to so they won't bear responsibility are abortion, giving the baby up for adoption or throwing the baby away, like those abandoned babies you see in newspapers. 

I don't know if they allow abortion in Singapore though, but I'm sure that if its illegal there must be at least someone whose practicing it illegally. I have the image that abortion is scary and bloody *I think I watched to much Philippine horror movies about aborted babies coming back from the dead*.

 Giving a baby up for adoption I think that depends on the reason, but unless your a bitch who doesn't care about you baby, I guess its hard. I know in America they pay you for adopting kids who were separated from their families, the more you adopt the more money you get. That's why you see in the news in America foster parents abusing their adopted kids. If you want to adopt make sure you actually take care of the kid not kill it. 

You see those babies that are in the news for being abandoned in the most ridiculous places you can think of well it kinda depends on the reason whether its legit or not. But if you NEED to abandon a baby make sure people will find it, don't bury the LIVING BABY under ground because that's just plain sick.

You will face these questions if you don't want to be an early parent. Unless you want to keep the baby then I wish you good luck. 

There's a lot of things teenagers want to do while they're young. Its the age wherein your filled with dreams so don't destroy your dreams by making a mistake. 

You should at least be thankful that you still have a choice, unlike these girls. It wasn't their choice to have their childhood taken away. If you get pregnant as a teenager out of carelessness its your fault you chose to have your youth wasted by taking care of a kid 

Until my next post
Bye for now
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