Tuesday 28 February 2012

Busy? + Disney


but i won't do my weekly blog posts for at least 2-3 weeks. Why?

Because I'm mad busy right now, reason: SCHOOL......... and video games.......... and I have another audition to practice for, If you remember my JYP audition that sucked. I was really disappointed in my last one so I'm practicing really hard for this one. I could go on a long list of stuff I'm busy with right now, but I have no time to type everything out (I also feel lazy).

I decided to sing a Disney song for this one, but I wont tell you which one. No teasers =P

So I was browsing the OTHER DISNEY SONGS when I came across Hercules. Actually my favourite Disney Movie is The Little Mermaid, my childhood dream was to be a mermaid. Back then I though that that mermaids did nothing but sing and swim so The Little Mermaid had a pretty big effect on my dream right now. 

Ariel WAS my favourite Disney Princess until I ended up re-watching Hercules. I've fallen in love with Megara or Meg for short. Her character totally fits my personality. Were both too arrogant for our own good especially when it comes to love.

But unfortunately I won't be singing a Disney song thou :(... 

Friday 17 February 2012


Delayed Happy Valentines Greeting (^ ^)

Sorry I'm really late, aside from that this is a pretty short update......

Please forgive me... My life is in a bit of a wreck right now

Lets all forget the bad stuff for a while and focus on good stuff. So lets talk about what happened during Valentines. Yes, I'm one of those singles valentines but that doesn't stop me from having fun not just on Valentines but everyday, with my friends.

Valentines Day was on a school day and Mother Tongue was one of my subjects that morning. Since I can't speak Malay, Tamil or Chinese (especially Chinese) I don't take any MT classes along with a few other students. So MT is pretty much my slacking time.

That morning there was an unexpected surprise visit from.... *drum rolls*

these people right in front of our school

I honestly don't watch any Singapore TV shows, but when I saw the bus enter the school I knew this was the type of bus used by celebs. Why I know? the tainted bus windows, its tainted so that no one can see whats inside. A bus with tainted windows is like a big shove in your face that its either a celeb in there or a VIP or something like that.

My friends in MT told me they were on Channel 5. Every single Sec 3E student who didn't take MT saw them and of course we told the rest of the Sec 3. C'mom how often do you see people from TV come to your school.

The photo is from Gelli since I don't bring my camera or phone to school. *Lameness level 100*


Unfortunately the happy moment didn't live for long. My school decided to celebrate Total defense day early by feeding us... well... shit food. I see the point of them giving us TOTALLY TASTELESS FOOD so that we can understand what happened during the Jap. Occupation. But your wasting the school fund because the students pretty much threw out the food without finishing. I had like two spoons before I got sick of it and threw it out. Heck even water tasted better than it.

We also had the ration card thing
*sorry for the bad photo I used my webcam on this and not my digi-cam*

Yeah short post but that was my Valentine like. Boring right?? I promise I will try to blog more often and stop playing video games. So please watch out for me.

Until my next post
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Friday 10 February 2012

Teenage Pregnancy

I recently had a weird dream which has been bugging me the past few days. Yeah, I had a weird dream about teenage pregnancy. I'm not a big fan of those shows about teen moms since I like shows such as Criminal Minds, Bones, NCIS those kind of shows. Aside from that I'm a complete noob when it comes to things like relationships (yes I'm forever alone)...

The stupid dream pretty much inspired me to blog. I really don't want to talk about that dream too detailed since I'm to bothered by it to try to recall it then type it out. I don't have dreams often but when I do they're REALLY WEIRD.

In a summary of what happened in my dream I partied, got drunk, made-out with someone (who I don't know),  got knocked up...... I find those last two parts disturbing because I can't imagine myself in those position. Good thing my mom woke me up for school before the dream continued. 

Teenage pregnancy is a problem. Seriously teenagers we have sex-ed class for a reason. Use a condom you can buy it at 7-eleven who conveniently puts them near the counter unless you get horny. *You really shouldn't be hearing this from a 16 year old*

Although I woke up before I finished the dream (nightmare actually). I got a taste of how its like to have a pregnancy scare and finding out you're pregnant even though it was only in my head. Getting pregnant while your young at the age were you're still discovering and reaching your dreams is something I find scary. I can't imagine myself giving up on my dream just to take care of a child. 

There's also the problem with the guy, since he can easily walk away and not bear any responsibility. Unlike a girl whose only options to so they won't bear responsibility are abortion, giving the baby up for adoption or throwing the baby away, like those abandoned babies you see in newspapers. 

I don't know if they allow abortion in Singapore though, but I'm sure that if its illegal there must be at least someone whose practicing it illegally. I have the image that abortion is scary and bloody *I think I watched to much Philippine horror movies about aborted babies coming back from the dead*.

 Giving a baby up for adoption I think that depends on the reason, but unless your a bitch who doesn't care about you baby, I guess its hard. I know in America they pay you for adopting kids who were separated from their families, the more you adopt the more money you get. That's why you see in the news in America foster parents abusing their adopted kids. If you want to adopt make sure you actually take care of the kid not kill it. 

You see those babies that are in the news for being abandoned in the most ridiculous places you can think of well it kinda depends on the reason whether its legit or not. But if you NEED to abandon a baby make sure people will find it, don't bury the LIVING BABY under ground because that's just plain sick.

You will face these questions if you don't want to be an early parent. Unless you want to keep the baby then I wish you good luck. 

There's a lot of things teenagers want to do while they're young. Its the age wherein your filled with dreams so don't destroy your dreams by making a mistake. 

You should at least be thankful that you still have a choice, unlike these girls. It wasn't their choice to have their childhood taken away. If you get pregnant as a teenager out of carelessness its your fault you chose to have your youth wasted by taking care of a kid 

Until my next post
Bye for now
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Friday 3 February 2012

Fan-girls guide to HEALTHY FAN-GIRLING!!!

Lately new artists are popping out with RAPIDLY INCREASING FANCLUBS!!!

I'm posting this as a message to fan-girls, yes all of you overly obsessed fan-girls out there.

I respect ALL artists who have ACTUAL TALENT. But its hard to express your admiration for an artist especially if its a new one that you've recently taken into liking when they have fan-girls. Fan-girls that are like an "ON" switch as soon as you mention their idol they go into a crazy reciting of random facts and how cute, hot, handsome, etc. the male star they like is. 

You'll feel even more agitated if you don't even know the artist and they're talking about it so.... You know what I mean. Fan-girls I know you adore you're artist but please you aren't helping the artist by getting a new fan-girl or fan-boy you're actually making people annoyed by you and your artist. When all that artist did is do their job. If you continue this they might actually gain anti's rather then fans.

There's a reason why I NEVER tell people who I meet for the first time which fan club I belong to. By fan club I mean groups like Beliebers, Cassiopeia, Directioners, Sones, Shawols all those groups. I love music its pretty much my life. But you should support an artist for their talent not their looks. 

When you buy their merchandise buy their CD's or posters, don't but stuff like pins, phone covers, fans, mugs all those unnecessary stuff. I ONLY BUY their CD's with my own money I saved (by not eating or using my allowance :( that was hard ok). I get the posters sometimes when i buy magazines.

I saved to buy these CD's

I receive those fan club things like stickers and pins from my friends as gifts and I appreciate them ALOT. But personally I wouldn't spend my money on them you can buy them at a cheaper price without a famous person's face on it (OMG I SOUND LIKE AN AUNTEE).

Girls you have a life don't invest it fully into something that won't come true like becoming the wife of your idol.... You have friends and people you can hang out with, leave all the fan-girling private unless your friends also want to spazz over that artist. 

If not LEAVE THEM  ALONE simply because they don't care. Sometimes they'll be nice just because they're your friends or if their real friends they just tell you to STFU!!!

I pretty much wrote this out of annoying tweets spamming my timeline about stuff I don't care about.... my friends know this is just me being my straight-forward self

Until my next post
Bye for now
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