Wednesday 14 March 2012

Sec 3 Cohort Camp


*waves hand like a maniac*

Just came back from camp a few days ago and I'm still a bit tired. After camp I still had a few more stuff to do so I haven't rested properly yet. I still have some stuff I have to do though, but I wanna take a break so I decided to blog today. Lately my leisure time consists of reading manga online and i somehow fall asleep before I finish them :(

So back to topic my school decided have camp for pretty much all the levels right after the CA1 tests for the upper sec students. Did I mention I really miss being in lower sec life was much more easy and there isn't much exams to cramp over *sight*.

The camp started on Wednesday so that means 3 days and 2 nights of camp

Sec 1----- 1st day, Sentosa / 2nd-3rd day, overnight camp at school

Sec 2----- At a FREAKING 5-STAR HOTEL!!!! in Malaysia

Sec 3----- At Tanjung Paia resort in Malaysia again

Sec 4-5----- at school

I feel kind of bad for the sec 4-5 they've been in this school the longest yet their camp was only at school. But they have prom sooooo.....

Photos of the resort (from google). 

The teachers got to stay here air-conditioned 
While we stayed in a separate dorm
The dorm building is the two-floored building on the left
Girls stayed on the second floor
Guys where on the first floor
Unfortunately I was put in separate dorm room from my close girl friends 
*forever alone in my dorm room :(*

I actually brought my camera but we had to surrender our electronics on the first day...

One bad thing that happened that was a problem throughout the camp was that my class was SACRIFICED!!!

Most of the classes were separated into two groups but they still did most of the activities together since the was 11 groups (one class had very few people so they were one group). Because there were separate activities one class had to be split up. So thats how my class was sacrificed. 

First Day:
One word to describe it was that it SUCKED!!! I guess that its because we're not used to the environment. The bus ride was around 2 hours.

I think the biggest reason first day sucked was that our group trainer wasn't good, wait that is the reason. She was just uggggghhhhh....... how the heck am i supposed to trust her with the safety of the activities when she sounded VERY UNSURE of what she was saying when explaining the safety briefings. Before we left the Principal already said the we have a choice to sit out on some of the activities if we don't want to participate. Yet she still makes everyone go even if we say we don't want to participate.... If we chat like what ACTIVE TEENAGERS NORMALLY DO, she threatens to stop the entire activity. Believe me when I say that my class' hyper-ness cannot be controlled its either you step back  and watch or lead us so that its less destructive (annoying)

My group had wet activities that day so we got really muddied up, but we didn't get a chance to bathe properly until 10 pm. *sad life*

Since the first day sucked so I don't want to type out anymore of what happened that day

Photos before I surrendered my camera
since I own the camera I'm mostly behind these photos so there no me in here :P

Second Day:
in the morning we went trekking up to some nature reserve with MONKEYS!!!
I really wanted to stare at the monkeys but they said that if we do they'll attack us. I heard one of the classes was nearly attacked until the teacher shouted at the monkey (monkey talked to it apparently) and it ran away. I wish I was there for myself to see that HAHA

afternoon we went through the obstacle stuff and one of the stuff we had to do was climb a coconut tree. There is no freaking way I would climb it especially since the trainer sounded like she didn't know what the heck she was talking about. I'm already scared of heights how the heck can I trust you when you don't even sound sure about what safety stuff your talking about. I admit the reason I didn't jump into the ocean was because I'm scared of jumping from the platform not because I didn't want to. 

That night we had a camp fire we had to make a cheer and of course you'll have to cheer your group/class name. you'll never guess what our group name was.

How it became that at first it was moustachos, because one of the class' favorite teacher has a moustache.
his moustache was like this
*if you believed that you're a retard*

Then it went to armpit to hairy armpit........ pretty much anything is related to hair.

Can  you imagine our cheer during campfire.... example:
Trainer: HAIRY!
Us: ARMPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

We even got on of the guys (who really had a hairy armpit) to show his armpit it during campfire. My class is retarded but I love it that way ^^

I really wish the campfire had lasted the entire night. It was really fun with people shuffling and dancing. It was almost like a dance party. Maybe next year for Prom (if exams didn't murder us permanently)  its gonna be like that. That would be awesome-mest day of high school.

Third(last) Day:
We had to pack and go home so we didn't do alot of stuff aside from prize giving. Somehow my seaweed had disappeared (eaten) magically. Most of the bus ride home I fell asleep. *what else you expect from this sleep-head*

What is this trainer doing???

These two borrowed my camera and started cam-whoring with it.... T_T

Me and Daniella had to wait for Gelli since she was on a different bus. When she got here, we went to McDonalds Sneha and Preet joined us as well. We spend time talking about the trainers which ones we like and those who suck (my trainer).

During the camp I've never eaten so much spicy food in my life. I think my tongue nearly died on me there. I really cant take spicy stuff well.

To Fast food,
Although I don't eat you often. I've misssssseeeeddddd YOOOOUUUUU!!!!. 
from: Que

I guess i'm just not used to food in Malaysia so it was like a foreign entity in my mouth. Last time I didn't like the ice cream there cuz it tasted like soap.

That concludes this long blog post
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