Wednesday 28 March 2012



I haven't updated for a VERY long time T_T...

Mainly because I'm busy and whenever I have free time I accidentally fall asleep. Any way just got my results but bad for you I'm not going to share it *sticks tongue out*

Back to the blog post I went with my family to "Marche" its a restaurant all the way in Somerset (or at least I think its there, I have bad memory okay). Honestly my mom was the one excited about going there. I'm not the type who likes to sit down and eat. I like the go walk around while eating, expect when I'm at home 'cuz I watch TV while I eat. Bottom line I hate sitting while eating.

It is a very rare occasion when you will find me sitting down at a restaurant or fast food chain to eat. So I wasn't that excited to go out..... 

But I was SOOOOO ....... I can't even find a word to describe the place ......

And the food was freaking awesome!!!!! 

Marche is a Swiss themed restaurant you really won't feel as though you're in Singapore anymore. 

Pics from the restaurant
p.s. taken from my mom's iPhone so they aren't filtered properly T_T
plus didn't bring my camera since I wasn't looking forward to eating outside

 guess where this was?

I was wondering why the salt was mixed with rice

no make-up day and I lacked sleep so I had big eye-bags

The cake was HEAVEN!!!!!
and why is my sister looking at me like that ?

Look at my brother looking all so cool like that

My mom took most of the photos with me and my siblings... and they're mostly stolen shots  though

I mostly took photos of the food. I find food more interesting than people TRUE FACT!!!

Until My Next post
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1 comment:

  1. excuse me, marche is a Swiss restaurant not 'Swedish' restaurant. Swiss and Sweden are 2 different countries.
