Thursday 8 November 2012

Youtube Channel

I decided to open up a YouTube channel. So far I have a few songs on it.


  I plan to cover English, Japanese and some Korean songs on it for now. When I finally get the guitar fixed then I'll start uploading my personal compositions on it. I have a handful I haven't finished writing because of . Plus I've never shared those songs before.

The most I can do is to write my own lyrics to some of those Japanese or Korean songs. The first song I covered is Adam Lambert's "Aftermath". I already mentioned this song in my last post.

I also uploaded DBSK's "Toki Wo Tomete" or in English means "Time, Please Stop"

I mentioned writing English lyrics for Japanese and Korean songs. I just uploaded this song, an English version of IU's "The Story Only I Didn't Know"

Friday 2 November 2012

The song that saved me

A few weeks ago I fell into a not-so-good state mentally. Just recently started returning to my old self. I ended up listening to heavy metal and rock songs. But there wasn't a song that managed to pull me out of that state. Until I found Adam Lambert's Aftermath, I really loved the meaning and I listen to it a lot even now. I FREAKING LOVE THIS SONG!!! so you should really listen to it 

there's also the acoustic version he sang at American Idol for a visit. This version holds more meaning.

Since listening to the song helped up on my feet again so I made a cover video. Hope you enjoy it. 

Signing off
Que Camille
and p.s. follow me on twitter

Wednesday 31 October 2012


How do I even start with this post???

Well if you look at my previous post I recently made a huge change by cutting of my hair but that was only a part of it. I'm rather complicated and I tend to keep things to myself. I'm posting this to clear up any misunderstanding I caused (or I think I did, I hope I didn't).

The Tail

If you saw my short hair I actually left a single strand of hair uncut. I normally tie it up when I go outside.

* keke you can see my peircing *

Its hard to explain when someone asks me why I decided to leave a single strand of hair uncut. The reason involves my dream to become a singer/musician. If you read my previous post you already know I cut my hair after that happened. 

Even though my dream is to be a singer, I have a deadline. By that I mean military school and I'm not joking. My dad graduated from the PMA and is still active in the military. So its a pretty obvious choice I go there after I finish high school, even my younger brother is planning to go there. Once I enter there's no turning back. They also have a certain age limit so until then I can pursue music and hopefully reach a point where I can forget about going to military school.

A pretty obvious cadet requirement there is short hair for both boys and girls. I will never understand why Andie Eigenmann had long hair in the drama "Minsan Lang Kita Iibigin" she was supposed to be cadet yet she had long hair throughout the drama at least wear a wig. Active female PMA'ers can only grow their hair out when they graduate. So why Andie? Why???? Now I'm getting off topic again.
As you can see I already cut my hair short. I left that one strand so that if I reach my deadline its gonna be easier for me to quit music and just go to military school. It's a promise I made to myself, if I ever cut this strand off. Then I'm completely turning my back on my dream. I only have around a year left. I guess I'm already preparing myself for it. 

I know not everyone will understand why, because I already know that not everyone can understand how much I love music and singing. Its something I want to do for the rest of my life. When I wrote "All that's left is a small strand of hope that I don't know if I should hang onto" in my last post this is what I meant.


Ever since July I've stopped eating meat. I don't really have a solid reason to why I just decided to stop eating meat. To make it simple I was sleeping and I had a weird dream, since then I never want to eat meat ever again. I'll spare the details but it involved the apocalypse along with cows & birds turning carnivorous. I don't dream often but every time I do its always something that oddly scars me for live. Like when I had a dream of mermaids attacking me, since then I had trouble looking at fishes, especially dead ones. I think they're gonna back from the dead and infest in a human body slowly turning it into a half-human half-fish monster. 


I don't see any problem with my decision since it doesn't really effect anyone negatively. I don't go around (and I never will) telling people to stop eating meat. I'm not a complete health nut. I like to eat pringles and chips but not all the time though. I've never gone to a person and tried to change their eating habits. Everyone is responsible for their own body. I don't care if you smoke or what vices you have as long as you don't try to force me, as in forcefully make me do the same things.
As much as I admire SNSD's Seohyun, she's one of my role models. But I won't go around saying "You'll die if you eat that" or "bad diet accumulates and eventually you'll die".                                                                                      Don't worry Seohyun I still admire you, but I'd freak if anyone said that to me. (V)
Honestly I tried keeping the vegetarian thing under wraps aside from a few people. But the hell with out, people are finding out anyways. I don't mind if you eat meat in front of me, just don't shove it to me face or else you're gonna get wacked.


This is something I'm sorry about. I'm the type of person who would rather be alone and not talk a lot when I have problems. I was recently not my normal self for a few weeks and I would purposely avoid people I know. Sometimes at bus stops or at school. If that ever caused a misunderstanding then I'm really sorry. I don't like involving other people who should not be involved in my own problems. So I kept everything to myself. I walked around a lot trying to find the answers. But I still don't know the answers myself.

 Signing off

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Why I cut my hair? Something New? maybe?

Its been a while, seems like I've come back from the dead

i cut my hair short

If you ask me why I cut it I'll just say I got depressed and cut it

Maybe I should have just said that I got bubble gum in my hair

But I'm a horrible liar

It sounds lame but I feel like giving up on my dream to be a singer

I've always loved singing and music. Its the one thing i want to do for the rest of my life

To sing, write and compose songs which convey all my stories packed in notes and melodies

I've been through at least 3-4 auditions for 2 months all of them ended in a failure

The last one I did was the one gave it my all

I was sick again, that was the second time I went to an audition sick. 

"With A Voice That Seemed Broken, I Cried Out Over And Over Again" - Gazette's Taion
I know I wasn't in my best shape but I did what I could

My voice, my song I just wished someone listened to it for more than a minute

After the last audition I just cut my hair

I didn't want to look in the mirror and see the same person that was rejected over and over again

I honestly don't know if I want to continue with music, right now I just feel like giving up

All that's left is a small strand of hope that I don't know if I should hang onto 

After that last audition which was around a month ago

I'll be honest I fell into depression again

Weird right? The same thing that pulled me out of it is now the same thing pulling me into it again

My past is one thing I don't like talking about

Those memories are like Pandora's box, something that should never be opened

When I left the Philippines, I swore I left that weak side of me

Now I don't know anymore

I swear right now I sound like those melo-dramatic type of girls

I've been in this state for too long, I don't want too fall as deep as I did before

I honestly have no idea how, but I want to smile again without forcing it

Right now I'm confused but I'll be up on my feet again

Officially Signing out for now

Monday 18 June 2012

The return

..... ummm ....

this blog has been dead for a pretty long time

actually a very long time. I'm pretty bored right now and i wanted to revive my blog somehow. 

This is just gonna be a short posed on what i've been doing based on the photos i have on my camera. I'll try to make a comeback but I'm not making any promises though

Yes I got dragged to a restaurant 
by my parents again

went bike shopping and got two bikes

this bike
 and this one 

 at Sentosa 

I've been in a pretty sulky mood these weeks for some unknown reason. I just feel really tired and all i do is listen to rock bands. 

I really don't know maybe its got to do with teenage hormones?...

I really want to do a pictorial post soon but i have tons of holiday HM to finish. If i finish them early I might be able to do one

*fingers crossed*

Wednesday 28 March 2012



I haven't updated for a VERY long time T_T...

Mainly because I'm busy and whenever I have free time I accidentally fall asleep. Any way just got my results but bad for you I'm not going to share it *sticks tongue out*

Back to the blog post I went with my family to "Marche" its a restaurant all the way in Somerset (or at least I think its there, I have bad memory okay). Honestly my mom was the one excited about going there. I'm not the type who likes to sit down and eat. I like the go walk around while eating, expect when I'm at home 'cuz I watch TV while I eat. Bottom line I hate sitting while eating.

It is a very rare occasion when you will find me sitting down at a restaurant or fast food chain to eat. So I wasn't that excited to go out..... 

But I was SOOOOO ....... I can't even find a word to describe the place ......

And the food was freaking awesome!!!!! 

Marche is a Swiss themed restaurant you really won't feel as though you're in Singapore anymore. 

Pics from the restaurant
p.s. taken from my mom's iPhone so they aren't filtered properly T_T
plus didn't bring my camera since I wasn't looking forward to eating outside

 guess where this was?

I was wondering why the salt was mixed with rice

no make-up day and I lacked sleep so I had big eye-bags

The cake was HEAVEN!!!!!
and why is my sister looking at me like that ?

Look at my brother looking all so cool like that

My mom took most of the photos with me and my siblings... and they're mostly stolen shots  though

I mostly took photos of the food. I find food more interesting than people TRUE FACT!!!

Until My Next post
if you find me interesting
Follow me on twitter

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Sec 3 Cohort Camp


*waves hand like a maniac*

Just came back from camp a few days ago and I'm still a bit tired. After camp I still had a few more stuff to do so I haven't rested properly yet. I still have some stuff I have to do though, but I wanna take a break so I decided to blog today. Lately my leisure time consists of reading manga online and i somehow fall asleep before I finish them :(

So back to topic my school decided have camp for pretty much all the levels right after the CA1 tests for the upper sec students. Did I mention I really miss being in lower sec life was much more easy and there isn't much exams to cramp over *sight*.

The camp started on Wednesday so that means 3 days and 2 nights of camp

Sec 1----- 1st day, Sentosa / 2nd-3rd day, overnight camp at school

Sec 2----- At a FREAKING 5-STAR HOTEL!!!! in Malaysia

Sec 3----- At Tanjung Paia resort in Malaysia again

Sec 4-5----- at school

I feel kind of bad for the sec 4-5 they've been in this school the longest yet their camp was only at school. But they have prom sooooo.....

Photos of the resort (from google). 

The teachers got to stay here air-conditioned 
While we stayed in a separate dorm
The dorm building is the two-floored building on the left
Girls stayed on the second floor
Guys where on the first floor
Unfortunately I was put in separate dorm room from my close girl friends 
*forever alone in my dorm room :(*

I actually brought my camera but we had to surrender our electronics on the first day...

One bad thing that happened that was a problem throughout the camp was that my class was SACRIFICED!!!

Most of the classes were separated into two groups but they still did most of the activities together since the was 11 groups (one class had very few people so they were one group). Because there were separate activities one class had to be split up. So thats how my class was sacrificed. 

First Day:
One word to describe it was that it SUCKED!!! I guess that its because we're not used to the environment. The bus ride was around 2 hours.

I think the biggest reason first day sucked was that our group trainer wasn't good, wait that is the reason. She was just uggggghhhhh....... how the heck am i supposed to trust her with the safety of the activities when she sounded VERY UNSURE of what she was saying when explaining the safety briefings. Before we left the Principal already said the we have a choice to sit out on some of the activities if we don't want to participate. Yet she still makes everyone go even if we say we don't want to participate.... If we chat like what ACTIVE TEENAGERS NORMALLY DO, she threatens to stop the entire activity. Believe me when I say that my class' hyper-ness cannot be controlled its either you step back  and watch or lead us so that its less destructive (annoying)

My group had wet activities that day so we got really muddied up, but we didn't get a chance to bathe properly until 10 pm. *sad life*

Since the first day sucked so I don't want to type out anymore of what happened that day

Photos before I surrendered my camera
since I own the camera I'm mostly behind these photos so there no me in here :P

Second Day:
in the morning we went trekking up to some nature reserve with MONKEYS!!!
I really wanted to stare at the monkeys but they said that if we do they'll attack us. I heard one of the classes was nearly attacked until the teacher shouted at the monkey (monkey talked to it apparently) and it ran away. I wish I was there for myself to see that HAHA

afternoon we went through the obstacle stuff and one of the stuff we had to do was climb a coconut tree. There is no freaking way I would climb it especially since the trainer sounded like she didn't know what the heck she was talking about. I'm already scared of heights how the heck can I trust you when you don't even sound sure about what safety stuff your talking about. I admit the reason I didn't jump into the ocean was because I'm scared of jumping from the platform not because I didn't want to. 

That night we had a camp fire we had to make a cheer and of course you'll have to cheer your group/class name. you'll never guess what our group name was.

How it became that at first it was moustachos, because one of the class' favorite teacher has a moustache.
his moustache was like this
*if you believed that you're a retard*

Then it went to armpit to hairy armpit........ pretty much anything is related to hair.

Can  you imagine our cheer during campfire.... example:
Trainer: HAIRY!
Us: ARMPIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

We even got on of the guys (who really had a hairy armpit) to show his armpit it during campfire. My class is retarded but I love it that way ^^

I really wish the campfire had lasted the entire night. It was really fun with people shuffling and dancing. It was almost like a dance party. Maybe next year for Prom (if exams didn't murder us permanently)  its gonna be like that. That would be awesome-mest day of high school.

Third(last) Day:
We had to pack and go home so we didn't do alot of stuff aside from prize giving. Somehow my seaweed had disappeared (eaten) magically. Most of the bus ride home I fell asleep. *what else you expect from this sleep-head*

What is this trainer doing???

These two borrowed my camera and started cam-whoring with it.... T_T

Me and Daniella had to wait for Gelli since she was on a different bus. When she got here, we went to McDonalds Sneha and Preet joined us as well. We spend time talking about the trainers which ones we like and those who suck (my trainer).

During the camp I've never eaten so much spicy food in my life. I think my tongue nearly died on me there. I really cant take spicy stuff well.

To Fast food,
Although I don't eat you often. I've misssssseeeeddddd YOOOOUUUUU!!!!. 
from: Que

I guess i'm just not used to food in Malaysia so it was like a foreign entity in my mouth. Last time I didn't like the ice cream there cuz it tasted like soap.

That concludes this long blog post
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