Wednesday 10 October 2012

Why I cut my hair? Something New? maybe?

Its been a while, seems like I've come back from the dead

i cut my hair short

If you ask me why I cut it I'll just say I got depressed and cut it

Maybe I should have just said that I got bubble gum in my hair

But I'm a horrible liar

It sounds lame but I feel like giving up on my dream to be a singer

I've always loved singing and music. Its the one thing i want to do for the rest of my life

To sing, write and compose songs which convey all my stories packed in notes and melodies

I've been through at least 3-4 auditions for 2 months all of them ended in a failure

The last one I did was the one gave it my all

I was sick again, that was the second time I went to an audition sick. 

"With A Voice That Seemed Broken, I Cried Out Over And Over Again" - Gazette's Taion
I know I wasn't in my best shape but I did what I could

My voice, my song I just wished someone listened to it for more than a minute

After the last audition I just cut my hair

I didn't want to look in the mirror and see the same person that was rejected over and over again

I honestly don't know if I want to continue with music, right now I just feel like giving up

All that's left is a small strand of hope that I don't know if I should hang onto 

After that last audition which was around a month ago

I'll be honest I fell into depression again

Weird right? The same thing that pulled me out of it is now the same thing pulling me into it again

My past is one thing I don't like talking about

Those memories are like Pandora's box, something that should never be opened

When I left the Philippines, I swore I left that weak side of me

Now I don't know anymore

I swear right now I sound like those melo-dramatic type of girls

I've been in this state for too long, I don't want too fall as deep as I did before

I honestly have no idea how, but I want to smile again without forcing it

Right now I'm confused but I'll be up on my feet again

Officially Signing out for now

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