Tuesday 24 September 2013

Love, Sex and other Vices (PART 1: Vices & Sex)

WARNING: This blog post and series will contain swearing, and I'm gonna post more word/essay posts because I'm planning to use my blog as a practice for my English 'O' levels.

How do I even begin? I think this is a topic most teens, like myself have to overly dramatize about. I'm gonna start taking about Vices, then move my way to Sex and Love. Due to some stuff I can't really go into detail on some of the personal things I'll be vague on some areas.


Originally this post was gonna be titled "Love, Sex and Other Drugs" from Anne Hathaway's movie (I'm her fan, okay). But aside from a few isolated cases I don't see any VERY OBVIOUS drug use in Singapore, so Vices it is. Vices technically mean a bad or 'immoral' habit according to the internet. I'll admit I'm nowhere near a goody-two-shoes, I like to have fun.

Vices can range from anything from video games, slashing/cutting, plastic surgery (that Korean woman who injected cooking oil in her face because plastic surgeons refused to operate on her anymore), smoking, drinking, drugs, too much sex, stealing socks off people's feet (happened Japan) and even throwing pee at people (this really fucking happened in China). Yeah, my normal and the vices I can admit are my piercings, I talked about it in my last post a bit.

My first piercings I got when I was a kid, seriously I don't even remember. My grandma got me pierced. I didn't really wear anything in them until I got my 3rd and 4th piercing when I was 15. Yeah, that's when it started. The next year I got my 5th and it was my first ear bone piercing, from the same shop, and this year I got my 6th but from another shop. Honestly I wish I got my last one from the same shop because the person who pierced me well.... was bad, and I got it on impulse. Its kind hard to explain with words, but the swelling was a lot  WORSE and LONGER and other things with the piercing as well.  Planning to get another one soon. I've learnt my lesson, I won't be getting anymore piercings, tattoos or anything permanent without planning.

There are body modifications your bound to regret, it doesn't have to be constricted to piercings. Plastic surgery, tattoos and hair dyeing/bleaching (there are people who DIED from OVER bleaching). I've had my hair died once when it was longer and I have no idea how bleaching works. Actually, I'm going to do a lot of style changing after O's and I'm still divided on bleaching my hair. I'm just glad I won't have anymore style constrictions.

Vices are things that were addicted to that are not in any way healthy, even over studying can be considered as a Vice. I remember this survey my old Catholic school (I'm an atheist by the way) conducted. "What are your vices?" it had a tick box and there was "smoking" and "drugs". Recently my teacher asked the something smoking related on one of those character assessment quizzes. If your clever enough to smoke or do drugs while your underage you should be smart enough to know what to answer. Seriously schools?? You think a smoker would confess like that? I've said this time and time again its your body your free to do with it what you want, but you should be liable for the consequences of your decisions. I sound like I'm encouraging bad vices or I do them. T_T


Hormones raging everywhere... yeah that's how people *cough* adults *cough* think of teens. Which is true to a certain extent. Its the age where we can be as openly perverted as we want. I honestly like perverted jokes (insert that honest bear meme). I like to party, but I don't play. I can't go deeply into this subject since it really a personal aspect of a person's life and it would be unreasonable to reveal private things my friends told me. But since we're on this topic I'll share this song which pretty much is my personal attitude towards sex. 


My folks are pretty conservative and religious, while I'm the complete opposite. You can't stop teenagers from being horny and watching porn. This applies to schools, parents or any authority figure. The most you can do is guide them properly on the subject. Scaring teens won't help either, my school sex talk have consisted of explaining the different types of STI's or STD's. What is the fucking point????!!!!??? At this age we feel unlimited, able to do anything we want. "YOLO (you only live once)" I keep hearing this a lot. Yes teens can be cocky and unless you kill our youth there's no stopping us.

(part 2) LOVE coming soon..... maybe by next week
this topic is gonna be a hell lot longer~~

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