Friday 20 September 2013

Gothic (photo blog)

Recently I've been thinking of changing my style. So here I ended up trying goth, mostly gothic styles consists of black lace clothes and thick eye make up.  I've seen most gothic styled girls with long hair and bangs, so I wore a wig.  I've had a boyish punk style for some time now and I'm tired of being mistaken as a guy, it happens at least 2-3 times a month. I do boyish because it comfortable and easy for me but I want to try something new and be more feminine. I don't like the casual girly style and I like goth so this is my trail run. 

Edited the pics using this website
I TRIED learning photo shop I just have no computer skills and its easier for me to use this webpage. The most I can do is filtering and minor stuff. Accidentally turned my face into an alien even using site hehehe... Won't show that pic~~

These are the ones I really edited and tried to make them more artistic. Took me longer on these pics 

the unedited version

now I'm just putting stickers on

Its prelim period for me right now and I'm sorry to my teachers I will go and study after posting this. Make up is a pretty powerful. Because I do boyish style I don't really wear make-up everyday. So I'll post a few selcas I have on my phone, it doesn't have any photo editing apps. So ALL are completely unedited.

without make-up in my casual clothes/style

with the goth style clothes and make


On a side note and its music related. I recently found a band called "Falling in Reverse", they're American. The vocalist reminds me of Seremedy's vocalist. Seremedy is a Swedish band, they disbanded earlier this 2013 around April :(   ~~~  They both have a certain body modification they have ALOT of and they look alike well at least to me....

behold Seike (ex-Seremedy) and his face piercings and tattoos

Ronnie Radke (Falling in Reverse) and his tattoos *bang bang*

Don't misunderstand I don't have any problems with body mods. I have six piercings and I'm planning to get a belly piercing by the end of this year, I'm only 17 by the way. I'm too young to get a tattoo but I want to get one and I still haven't planned anything for a tattoo yet. I think the Singapore tattoo and piercing culture got to me. I can't even compare to the most pierced person in my school. 

What do you think do they look alike?

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