Friday 7 June 2013

Matsuri Festival at Funan

Okay, I just feel like blogging today. Since you can see by my post title I went to the Matsuri Festival at Funan. I discovered it when I was online in Facebook, and believe me I rarely go on FB. By the time I saw it the event had started already. Its a week long event and I didn't think I'd have the time since I have commitments from Monday to Saturday, Sunday is my only free day.
here's link of the event page:

I really didn't have much interest in going until I found out that Cosplayer Kaname was going. I freaking love his cosplays and he's a freaking LEGEND!!!!!! and for a guy his age he's really hot.

I asked Gelli to come with me so we went there on Sunday. I admit I used the butler cafe to lure her to come with me :P It was the last day so it was pretty crowded. I'm really bad when it comes to crowds and I have some anti-social tendencies like Gelli, but hers is worse, so we hung out at the butler cafe which they mixed with the maid cafe for that event. 

I became a panda for a day hehe
I really liked my eye make-up that day

We both got photos from playing jan-ken-pon with the maid and butlers. Reminded me of Alice Nine's own version of  the game which involves toy hammers and frying pans. We also got a photo with one of the butlers as a remembrance, which in this case was Ren.

accidentally closed my eyes for the photo, well at least Gelli looked normal

randomly put my necklace with the photos for no reason

I don't know why but Ren reminds me of my younger brother. They don't look alike but I guess its just a feeling I get. Maybe that's why I'm not that attracted to him and I don't get why other girls who've seen his photos find him good-looking, he's okay to me. I like small-eyes more. On a side note when I first met Ren during 2011 AFA I couldn't look him the eye because of his contacts. I'd been in Singapore for almost a year then and people in the Philippines don't really use colored contacts and I'd get scared of people wearing them. Because of a certain someone who wore red contacts to one of my past performances. That semi-phobia went away as I got used to seeing people in contacts.

I actually bought I small Rilakkuma charm to the cafe, I wanted to give it too the best butler or maid who served us that day as a reward but I'm not sure if it reached that butler... oh well...

Enough about the butler/maid cafe. I'll just post pics of Kaname-sama since there are no words needed to describe this legends hotness and awesomeness. 

Kaname bowing

Kaname unzipping his jacket


sexy back

unzipping his jacket!!!

I think he was demonstrating some sort of exercise here

Gelli managed to get chosen to be one of the lucky fans who get to take photo with him
I'm Jelly of Gelli (failed pun)
but I'm still happy for her ^~^

I made her wear those cat-ears, they're actually mine

She has her own photo on her phone but she edited it and covered her face with a horse
but that's what makes Gelli kawaii ^~^

link to the photos I took that day there's also photos of cosplayer Natumi:

Thanks Gelli!
If your reading this thanks for putting up with me and going with me even though i can be childish at times. Last year was a really hard time for me but you didn't turn your back on me. If your reading this your probably puking this out of cheesiness right now. Lets enjoy our last AFA together, ne?