Wednesday 30 January 2013

To the Circus

I miss all of you guys. Whenever I think about all you, I can't help but wish that we can all hang out together again. For some reason I think of our friendship as a circus. We have a ring master, an apprentice, the two opposites fire and ice, and our clowns. Although I know that things won't be the same again, since we've all grown up and changed. Some stayed, others are far away, like me, while some went to a place that you can never come back from. This letter is for all of you.

To our ring master
You're always so loud and cheerful. I don't know if I should consider you a Devil or an Angel. But despite you're loud remarks I know that you're too nice for your own good. You can be bossy but I never really mind. You wouldn't be our beloved ring master if you weren't that bossy. I wanna learn more from you since every time we seem to hang out you're always teaching me new things, maybe because you're the oldest. Sorry for using the younger card all the time on you. Hehe. Since I'm older now teach me more adult stuff. I know acting cute doesn't work on you but I can try right?

To our apprentice (my onee-chan)
Of all the talents that you had.... Why the heck did you choose to go to a military school!!! You better mature there, then again maybe not, I don't want my onee-chan to change. Unpredictable and free spirited thats how i'll always remember you. Hyper one minute, lazy the next always dancing to the beat of your own drum. I thought that military school will change you at least a bit but the only difference I can see is that you lost a lot of weight, and that you look like a guy now. I hate seeing you so thin eat more okay? Whenever I need someone to talk to your always the best option, I miss our talks. When you graduate you better get your fats back I need something to hug when I see you.

To Ice (yuki-chan)
Yah!!! Where the hell are you? I only hear stories about you know. Even as we grow up we're still the complete opposite of each other. Since when did yuki become girly, see we're always the complete opposite of each other. Go out sometime will you, i promise i won't try to tackle you every time we see each other. I just miss you yuki-chan....

To our clown on earth
Nothing is the same as before a lot of things changed. Even if insulting is my specialty you know I'm only joking right. Seriously what happened to you and Yuki you guys have become even more against leaving your house than me. Since when did you act so manly anyways. Keke but I still prefer your joker side.

To our clown up there
When I heard about what happened I couldn't stop crying. You're the one I miss the most maybe because I know that I'll never see you again. Life is fragile you made me realize that. I miss your jokes and your random dances especially when you dance to Single Ladies, I swear you dance better than anyone I've ever met. I kept bugging you to teach me but you never said anything about how bad I was. Your partner in jokes misses you, we all do. When I said goodbye to go to Singapore I had no idea that, that was the last time I'll see you. Nothings been the same since. I just hope that you're somewhere happy.

Now that i look back we never had a photo of all of us together. I wish we had the chance to take one. I may not have any photos but i have our memories. Unless I get amnesia or that disease that older people get that makes then forget stuff. I wont ever forget you guys. I miss all of you...
Yours truly